AGROPERLITE – thermally expanded sterile weed free volcanic rocks that can be used to improve drainage and aeration in potting mixes, fully prepared for substrates, mulching, composting.
- Mulching
Mix agro-perlite with top surface of the soil or pour a 1-2 cm thick layer around the plants.
- Preparation of substrate, soil improvement
Stir 10 to 50% of AGROPERLITE into the substrate or soil. Slightly moisten AGROPERLITE before using so that it would not get dusty.
- Composting
Stir 10-15% of AGROPERLITE into the composted substances. A thin layer can also be sprinkled on the top of compost heap.
- Drainage
Pour 3-5 cm of wet AGROPERLITE on the bottom of the container. It will allow the water get in and ensure the maximum growth of plant roots.
- Transportation of plants.
Mix AGROPERLITE with the peat at a ratio of 1:1 and moisten. Pack the plant in the usual way. The mixture will protect the roots from drying out.
- Storage of bulbs, tuber crops and corms.
Spread 2-3 cm AGROPERLITE onto the bottom of container, put flower bulbs, tuber crops and corms. Also, pour AGROPERLITE on the top. It will protect against pests, moisture and cold. If necessary, sometimes lightly spray the bulbs, tuber crops and corms with water.
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