"FLOWER" Liquid Fertilisers

Tel.: +370 (5) 215 215 9Manufactured by: PRODUCTOS FLOWER S.A., SPAIN
Bloom Booster FLOWER...
Bloom Booster fertilizer has a special contribution of Vitamin B1, essential to intensify the natural colors of the flowers, increasing their splendor and vivacity. Its NPK stands out for its higher value of Potassium, which helps flowering and flower coloration. Its formulation enhances flowering!
To fertilize all kinds of flowering plants: begonia, dahlia, carnation, primrose, petunia, viola, cyclamen,...
It can be used as foliar and root fertilizer.
Recommended for decorative blooming plants, terrace and outdoor plants.
Dosage and use: Dose with a cap.
Dilution: Half cap into 2 litres of or full cap in 4 litres of water.
Shake well before use.
EC Fertilizers.
Contains vitamin B1 and natural amino acids.
NPK fertilizer solution 4-6-7 with trace elements.
Nitrogen (N) Total, 4%:
Nitric nitrogen, 1.6%;
Ammonia nitrogen, 1%;
Amide nitrogen, 1.4%.
Pentoxido of phosphorus P2O5 water soluble, 6%.
Oxide of Potassium K2O water soluble, 7%.
Trace elements:
Iron (Fe), 0.06%;
Manganese (Mn) 0.03%;
Zinc (Zn), 0.02%;
Copper (Cu), 0.009%, water-soluble elements chelated with EDTA.
Water-soluble boron (B), 0.01%. -
Orchid fertiliser...
Orchid is one of the most elegant and exclusive flowers in the world. This ORCHID fertiliser will help spotlight its stunning beauty providing the sensitive plants with the most necessary nutrients.
Recommended for all kinds of orchids.
Dosage and use: Dose with a cap.
Dilution: Half cap into 2 litres of or full cap in 4 litres of water.
Shake well before use. Frequency of the use in different periods: Perfect fertilization period - fertilize once a week; favourable fertilization period - every 15 days.
EC Fertilizers.
Enriched with provitamin K3Promotes flowering (SiO2; AL2O3; Fe2O3; CaO; MgO; Na2O3; K2O; P2O5; N)
NPK fertilizer solution 5-5-5 with trace elements.
Nitrogen (N) Total, 5%:
Nitric nitrogen, 3.7%;
Ammonia nitrogen, 0.9%;
Amide nitrogen, 0.4%.
Pentoxido of phosphorus (P2O5) water soluble, 5%.
Oxide of Potassium (K2O) water soluble, 5%.
Trace elements:
Iron (Fe), 0.06%;
Manganese (Mn) 0.04%, water-soluble elements chelated with EDTA.
Boron (B), 0.01%.
Fertiliser for...
Liquid fertiliser
Fertiliser containing small amounts of nitrogen and potassium rich content ensures more rapid growth of plants and prevent their textures from softening. Enriches the protective functions of plant with restorative natural amino acids.
Recommended for all kinds of cacti and succulents - indoor, terraces and outdoor.
Dosage and use: Dose with a cap.
Dilution: Half cap into 2 litres of or full cap in 4 litres of water.
Shake well before use.
EC Fertilizers.
Enriched with natural amino acids.
NPK fertilizer solution 4-6-9 with trace elements.
Nitrogen (N) Total, 4%;
Nitric nitrogen, 1.7%;
Ammonia nitrogen, 0.5%;
Amide nitrogen, 1.8%.
Pentoxido of phosphorus (P2O5) water soluble, 6%.
Oxide of Potassium (K2O) water soluble, 9%.
Trace elements:
Iron (Fe), 0.06%;
Manganese (Mn) 0.03%;
Zinc (Zn), 0.02%;
Copper (Cu), 0.009%;
Water-soluble elements chelated with EDTA.
Water soluble boron (B), 0.01%.
Palm trees FLOWER...
Balanced nutrients, phosphorus and potassium mixture content prevents the diseases that affect the stem and roots of a palm tree. Iron chelate stimulates the plant photosynthesis and prevents the leaves from yellowing.
Recommended most for indoor palm trees, but also suitable for fertilization of the palm trees growing on terraces and outdoors.
Dosage and use: Dose with a cap.
Dilution: Half cap into 2 litres of or full cap in 4 litres of water.
Shake well before use.
EC Fertilizers.
NPK fertilizer solution 6-6-5 with trace elements.
Nitrogen (N) Total, 6%:
Nitric nitrogen, 2%;
Ammonia nitrogen, 2%;
Amide nitrogen, 2%.
Pentoxido of phosphorus (P2O5)water soluble, 6%.
Oxide of Potassium (K2O) water soluble, 5%.
Trace elements:
Water-soluble iron (Fe) chelate EDTA, 0.1%.
Universal fertiliser...
Especially suitable for various kinds of outdoor and indoor foliaceous and flowering plants. The fertilizer contains macro and trace elements – the nutrients needed to accelerate the growth of plant, to improve its rooting, blossoming and brightness of leaves.
Dosage and use: Dose with a cap.
Dilution: Half cap into 4 litres of water to fertilize through leaves or full cap in 4 litres of water to fertilize through roots. Shake well before use.
EC Fertilizers.
Enriched with vitamin complex.
NPK fertilizer solution 7-5-6 with trace elements.
Nitrogen (N) Total, 7%:
Nitric nitrogen, 2.4%;
Ammonia nitrogen, 1.4%;
Amide nitrogen, 3.2%.
Pentoxido of phosphorus (P2O5) water soluble, 5%
Oxide of Potassium (K2O) water soluble, 6%.
Trace elements:
Iron (Fe), 0.06%;
Manganese (Mn) 0.03%;
Zinc (Zn), 0.02%;
Copper (Cu), 0.009%,
Water-soluble elements chelated with EDTA.
Water-soluble boron (B), 0.01%.
Green plants...
Fertiliser for GREEN LEAVES PLANTS has been specially formulated for the proper development and balance of all green leaves plants.
The product includes iron, as these plants need a supplementary intake of this essential trace element for the stimulation of photosynthesis, preventing the yellowing of the leaves and intensify their green colour.
Iron is a nutrient required for the production of chlorophyll, which makes leaves especially lush and green.
It is recommended for use on decorative green leafy indoor, patio and outdoor plants.
Dosage and use: Dose with a cap.
Dilution: Half cap into 2 litres of or full cap in 4 litres of water.
Shake well before use.
EC Fertilizers
NPK fertilizer solution 6-5-4 with trace elements.
Nitrogen (N) Total, 6%:
Nitric nitrogen, 1.5%;
Ammonia nitrogen, 1.3%;
Amide nitrogen, 3.2%.
Pentoxido of phosphorus (P2O5) water soluble, 5%.
Oxide of Potassium (K2O) water soluble, 4%.
Water-soluble iron (Fe) 0.1% chelated with EDTA.
Fertiliser for...
Fertilizer is designed to maintain an acidic environment that ensures favourable development of acidic soil-loving plants - gardenias, hydrangeas, camellias, azaleas, rhododendrons, heathers, etc.
Provides the plants with necessary nutrients, stimulate their longer flowering. Recommended for plants grown indoors, terraces and outdoors.
Dosage and use: Dose with a cap.
Dilution: Half cap into 2 litres of or full cap in 4 litres of water.
Shake well before use.
EC Fertilizers.
NPK fertilizer solution 7-5-7 with trace elements.
Nitrogen (N) Total, 7%:
Nitric nitrogen, 2.4%;
Ammonia nitrogen, 1.3%;
Amide nitrogen, 3.3%.
Pentoxido of phosphorus (P2O5) water soluble, 5%.
Oxide of Potassium (K2O) water soluble, 7%.
Trace elements:
Iron (Fe), 0.06%;
Manganese (Mn) 0.03%;
Zinc (Zn), 0.02%, water-soluble elements chelated with EDTA.
Boron (B), 0.01%.
Guano fertiliser...
“Guano” is effective natural organic fertiliser made from manure of seabirds. They induce by increasing the metabolism of plants and ensure full assimilation of nutrients provided. Fertiliser facilitates absorbtion process by the plants and activates microbiological processes.
Ensures a strong and stable growth of plants.
Dosage and use: Dose with a cap.
Dilution: Half cap into 2 litres of or full cap in 4 litres of water.
Shake well before use.
EC Fertilizers.
Nitrogen (N) Total, 6%:
Organic nitrogen, 1%;
Urea nitrogen, 3.6%;
Ammonia nitrogen, 1.4%.
Pentoxido of phosphorus (P2O5) water soluble, 4%.
Oxide of Potassium (K2O) water soluble, 5%.
Organic carbon C, 9%.
Bio stimulant for Strawberries and other red berries with vitamin complex & with Mg.
Ideal fertilizer in order to get vigorous colour and optimum maturation of strawberries and red berries like raspberry, redcurrant, blackberry etc …
Dose and way of use:
To use the dispenser cap and dilute half cap into 2 L of water (or) 1 cap into 4L of water.
To shake solution before using.
Season period:
Fertilize once a week during its ideal period and the rest of time every 15 days.
EC Fertilizers.
Enriched with natural amino acids.
NPK fertilizer solution 3-6-6 with trace elements.
Nitrogen (N) Total:
Nitric nitrogen 1,3%,
Ammonia nitrogen 0,7%.
Amide nitrogen, 1%.
Pentoxido of phosphorus (P2O5) water soluble, 6%.
Oxide of Potassium (K2O) water soluble, 6%.
Trace elements:
Iron (Fe), 0.06%;
Manganese (Mn) 0.03%;
Water-soluble elements chelated with EDTA.
Fertiliser For...
Bio stimulant for tomatoes.
Low contents of chloride, with calcium.
Fertilizer specially formulated for tomatoes. It does activates growth and tomatoes strengthen, developing vegetative activity of its cultivation. Does incorporate distillate vegetal extracts (basically from wine) which does work as bio stimulants from vegetal source being directly assimilated by the plant.
Dose and way of use:
To use the dispenser cap and dilute 1 cap into 2 L of water. Use this fertilizer via radicular (through its roots)
To shake solution before using.
Season period:
Fertilizer during spring - summer once a week intensifying its fertilization during its flowering period.
Fertilize once a month during Autumn – Winter .
Contains distilled vegetal extracts (organic carbohydrate, essential oils which improves plants growth.
NPK 3-7-8 with high contents of organic matter
3% Nitrogen (N) Total; 1,0% organic, 2,0% ureic
7% Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) water soluble
8% Potassium oxide (K2O) water soluble
Carbon (C) organic: 15%
To keep in a clean place, fresh (T>5 ºC) and dry.
To avoid any direct sun exposition.
To keep away from food and drinks.
Keep away from children.
To avoid direct contact to eyes.